
A sample text widget

Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

After Effects crash on start up

After Effects (CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC) crashes on start up, with following error message:

After Effects can’t continue: sorry, After Effects has crashed. For After Effects Help and Support, go to If you still can’t resolve the issue, please contact Adobe Technical Support (2).

To solve this issue simply navigating to TypeSupport folder via the following path:


Delete (or rename) the folder TypeSupport and restart After Effects.
After Effects will automatically re-establish a new TypeSupport folder upon launch, may take some time.

Computer – poweroff – windows startup (xp sp3)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Outlook 2007 – Reminder on top / front – win7

ok, download the freeware:  unzip to your autostart and execute it – open your reminder window – push: CTRL+ALT+T. The End 🙂 your window is on top, try it out

extract linux files .tar.gz in Windows

install cygwin
go to directory:
cd X:xxxx/xxxx/xxx

tar xfvz DATEINAME.tar.gz
and the extraction party begins

(Deutsch) Dreamweaver – Reguläre Ausdrücke – mehrzeilig! Zwischen 2 wörtern

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

gigabyte ep35-ds4 q6600 G0 overclock


in Engl, Shortdesc:

Bios version f6a (dont touch a running system)

FSB 400 Multi 8x (=3,2ghz, Stabilitytest under 70°)
pci-e 100
CAI – Disable
Eist/C1E/TM2 Disable
USB Lagicy storage bla. Disable
performance enchane -> normal / stanard

4x1gb various 800mhz Rams
Ratio : Result should be 800 🙂
Settings 5 5 5 18 – others auto

V mch – ram – pcie all +0.1
Vcoreselbst: 1.4125 (weniger müsste auch gehen)

hope could help

Facebook likecharts für Joomla

Recently we had to integrate a top10 list of facebook likes into joomla website. This was no easy task, caused by complications with the inclusion of the plugin. So we instantly wrote a how-to for everybody, who wants something like this, too. Just read our pdf tutorial or download it directly: Troubleshooting_LikeCharts_english.pdf

And the appropiate mysql database here:

Abit AV8 doesn’t boot

We had the problem, that one of our Abit AV8 motherboards wouldn’t boot up. Also happend to you? Then try to insert a second RAM module into it. In  the bios configuration dual channel was active. After that our motherboard worked. In the past probably there wasn’t auto detection 😉

Outlook 2003 – “Unable to open default email folders”

Ever got this error message? We’ve got a list with possibilities to solve this problem.

  • Install newest version of internet explorer
  • Set the system service ‘terminal services” to autostart
  • Make a backup of your outlook.pst files
  • Delete all existing outlook profiles
  • Delete all *.xlm and *.pst files in the specific outlook folders
  • Restart your computer, start outlook
  • If outlook asks for a profile, create a new one
  • Import your data from the outlook.pst backup previously made
  • Uninstall business contact manager 2007
  • Go to control panel -> E-Mail -> Data files, choose your personal folder (mostly outlook.pst) and set this as standard

Hopefully we could help you with your problem.